Posts Tagged ‘plastic cups’

Jack o’ lantern pumpkin treat cup

Thursday, September 20th, 2007

These quick-to-make jack o’ lantern cups would be perfect for a Halloween party. Just add the kids’ names to the top part of each cup! They’re just the right size for classroom treats, too.
What You Need: orange plastic cup (Solo produces them around Halloween time, and the black cups included in the multipack are perfect for’s plastic cup spiders.), black permanent marker, handheld hole punch, black pipe cleaner.
Jack o’ lantern pumpkin treat cup supplies
How You Make It: Just draw your favorite jack o’ lantern face on your cup! Use hole punch to punch two holes opposite one another near the top of the cup (adult may need to help with this.) Insert about 1 1/2″ of pipe cleaner into each hole and twist to secure.

Jack o’ lantern pumpkin treat cup
Safety Alert: Permanent markers are not nontoxic, and will mark skin, so be sure to supervise kids closely on this craft. As an alternative, you could cut shapes from black construction paper and adhere them to the cup.

Plastic cup spider for Halloween

Thursday, September 6th, 2007

Imagine a classroom full of these spiders jiggling and dangling at Halloween time, or during a preschool theme about spiders and bugs!

What You Need: disposable plastic cup, scissors, black marker, yarn.
Plastic cup spider for Halloween

How You Make It: Using scissor points or other pointy tool, adult pokes small hole in bottom of plastic cup. Child makes spider legs by making 12 cuts from the top of the cup to about 1 inch from the bottom of the cup. (remember: Enjoy the Process! Precision isn’t a big deal.) For the eyes, cut two of the “legs” off at about 1 inch. Fold eyes upward and add eyeball using black marker. Opposite the eyes, cut off the back two “legs” so you are left with eight legs. Fold legs downward at the crease. Now, hang your wiggly spider with a knotted strand of yarn.

plastic cup spider

“We tried it” tip: Because this craft involves the cutting of a fairly thick cup, it might be best-suited to older preschoolers with more-developed motor skills and experience with scissors.
Suggested storybook:The Very Busy Spider by Eric Carle