March 3rd, 2013
Combine this fun project of making a dreamcatcher with a lesson on Native American culture. Kids can hang this dream catcher over their bed. Be sure to set out plenty of different yarns, beads, feathers and markers so children will have creative choices.

paper plate dreamcatcher
What You Need: 1 white paper plate, yarn, feathers, beads, hole punch, scissors.
How to Make It: Cut out center of paper plate and recycle or set aside for another project. Draw on plate with markers. Use hole punch to punch 10 to 12 holes about half an inch from the outer edge of the plate. Weave yarn through the holes so it forms a web pattern. String some beads as you are weaving. Cut three smaller lengths of yarn, string beads on them, and tie a feather to the end of each one. Tie each of these to the bottom of the plate. Tie another piece of yarn at the top of the dreamcatcher to hang it. Younger children may need help with scissors and knot-tying.
Posted in bead crafts, nature crafts, paper plate crafts, recycled crafts | No Comments »
February 9th, 2012

Valentine Tootsie Pop butterfly
These easy-to-make butterfly hearts form the perfect classroom Valentine once a Tootsie Pop is added. I’ve seen several variations of this idea on Pinterest. You could help a preschooler write a message on the butterfly, or even around its edges. Have fun!
What You Need: Red and pink cardstock (it’s sturdier than construction paper; look for Valentine paper packs at chain retailers such as Michael’s); foam hearts (some are glittery!); Tootsie Pop (I sprung for the Valentine’s Day variety); 2 googly eyes; black marker; scissors; glue.
How to Make It: Pre-trace folded wings for children to cut out. You could just provide the red wings and have kids practice their scissor skills by cutting glued-on pink wings a little larger. Glue eyes to lollipop and draw smile. Adult should cut two slits to stick the Tootsie Pop through. Decorate wings with foam hearts, messages, and more!
Posted in animal crafts, food crafts, Valentine and heart crafts | No Comments »
February 8th, 2012

Valentine owl craft
“Hoo loves you?” This easy-to-make owl. Let preschoolers write or draw their own message on the owl’s white, paper plate belly.
What You Need: Dessert size paper plate; red and pink construction paper or cardstock; 2 red foam hearts; heart-shaped punch (or just use a third foam heart); 2 large googly eyes; black pen; glue; scissors.
How to Make It: Pre-trace a long half-heart shape for the wings and two wide heart shapes (pink slightly smaller than red) for the children to cut out and unfold. Cut apart long wings and place one on either side of the paper plate body. Glue pink heart inside red heart and glue head to body. Add eyes and punched heart beak. Stick on foam hearts for feet. Have child right name or add a message to white plate.
Posted in animal crafts, paper plate crafts, Valentine and heart crafts | No Comments »
February 6th, 2012

Butterfly TP tube craft
This pink and red butterfly is a fun Valentine’s Day craft for preschoolers. They’ll love decorating the wings. You can give them a head-start by cutting out the wings ahead of time.
What You Need: 1 toilet paper tube; red and pink construction paper or cardstock (I used cardstock); 1 white pipe cleaner; 2 googly eyes; foam hearts; scissors; glue; black marker; pencil; tape.
How to Make It: Fold red cardstock in half and draw half of a wing shape. Cut and open to reveal wings. Cut pink cardstock the length and width of a toilet paper tube and adhere around the tube using glue or tape. Adult should cut pipe cleaner in half and help child roll ends around a pencil for curly antennae. Tape inside toilet paper tube body. Glue on eyes and draw mouth. Glue or tape wings to back of body and decorate with foam hearts, markers, or any way you’d like.
Posted in animal crafts, foam crafts, paper tube crafts, recycled crafts, Valentine and heart crafts | No Comments »
December 15th, 2011

Footprint reindeer
The kids in my son’s class made these cute reindeer for Christmas by tracing their feet and hands. They used construction paper, but you could also add a pom-pom nose, cotton ball Santa hat topper, googly eyes, and other fun elements. I think these are cute just the way they are!
What You Need: Light brown, dark brown, white, black, and red construction paper; glue; pencil; safety scissors.
How to Make It: Trace child’s foot on light brown construction paper and cut out. Trace child’s hands on dark brown construction paper and cut out. Draw nose, hat, hat fur, and eye parts on construction paper and cut out. Glue together.
Tags: Christmas crafts, footprint crafts, handprint crafts, reindeer crafts
Posted in Christmas crafts | No Comments »